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Where and When to STOP

In this post, i shall share some common behaviour of traders which i personally have experienced and how to eradicate these behaviours! 


To kick off, there was a statistic done which shows that most of the traders are winning around 60% of their trades & losing the remaining 40%. Then how the hell are they still losing money?! And here's why,

*Ps: I've exhibited almost all the behaviours below before, it really requires a lot of mental strength not to commit it! Haha


1) Inconsistent Trading: Lets assume you have 1000 dollars inside the account. You place 100 dollars onto one trade, and next another 500 dollars onto the next trade. It's OK if your account equity is high. But if it comes to the situation above, what would happen next is that if the 500 dollars trade did not go your way, you'll require your remaining amount (400-500) to fight it back for you and that would place you under a big amount of stress. When a trader is stressed out, 99% of the trades would not go their way. Believe me, the hole in your pocket would only get deeper and deeper.


Solution: Be consistent, try to place only around 3-5% of your equity if your account has huge funding. I understand if your account has only 1000 and below, you would like to commit more risk for more return but still, BE consistent! Do not place all your eggs into one basket. When you've committed a wrong trade, do not double up on your next trade thinking that you'll make a comeback. Be rationale, be disciplined and stick to the plan. When you feel upset about your lost trades; go for a run, take a day off and come back even stronger.


2) Stop Loss: I believe almost everyone who's reading this has encountered a situation before where you believe that the trade that you are losing right now, would bounce back soon. The key word here is SOON, and next is what makes you think so? Is it because of your gut feelings, the fear of closing a losing trades? I have situation before when i was reading the charts with all the timeframe, it was telling me that my trade is wrong and i have to pull out.


I never like closing a trade on a red note and hence i often hold on to it thinking my margins should be enough to pull it through. There was a $400 trade which ballooned into a $1000 trade due to my additional funding to prevent margin call. Eventually, i still lost the trade. 


Solution: It is OK to close a losing trade! What's more important is that you've learnt from it and do not commit the same mistake next time! Give yourself a stop-loss of maybe 30pips movement first, and when it is going to be activated, have a look at the chart if it's going to turn towards your favour soon or continue the rot. If it's going to reverse soon, maybe you can increase it to 40pips stop-loss, AND that shall be your last extension! However if the trend is continuing heading against your way, close it! By cutting your losses, you would still be able to continue your trades, and improve from there! 


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